
Flights from Bucharest to different countries

Bucharest: The Vibrant Heart of Romania

Bucharest is a destination that will fascinate you with a captivating combination of history, architecture and culture. This Romanian city pulsates with energy, offering you authentic experiences and a rich historical heritage.

Explore Architectural Masterpieces

  • Parliament House

Admire this immense construction, one of the largest administrative buildings in the world, which combines elements of classical and baroque architecture.

Lose yourself in its grandiose rooms and discover its history and importance in the cultural landscape of Bucharest.

  • House of the People

Visit this symbolic monument of the city, representing the strength and Romanian national identity. Admire the impressive details of the architecture and understand its role in the country's recent history.

  • Old Town

Stroll the history-filled streets of Bucharest's old center, exploring historic buildings, churches and lively squares.

Savor the authentic Romanian atmosphere in traditional cafes and restaurants with local specialties.

Live Authentic Romanian Experiences

  • Enjoy a Romanian wine tasting to discover the unique flavors of the country's wine regions and connect with local winemaking traditions.
  • Attend a performance of traditional Romanian music to experience the passion and cultural richness of this authentic musical genre.
  • Explore local markets such as Piața Obor or Piața Victoriei to sample fresh produce and Romanian delicacies and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of traditional commerce.
  • Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and stroll through Bucharest's delightful parks or relax in the public gardens to enjoy nature.

Regardless of whether you are passionate about history and architecture or want to enjoy the authenticity of Romanian culture, Bucharest offers you an unforgettable experience. Let yourself be carried away by the vibe of this captivating city and enjoy every moment spent in the heart of Romania.